>on the repeater frequencies for over a year. Last year this unlicensed
>person was investigated by the hams and FCC and found to be transmitting
>illegally also on the police and fire frequencies. He was fined, which
>last I heard he hasn't paid, and is still interferring with the repeaters,
>cursing, playing music, tapes of ham conversations, etc. The FCC is now
>ignoring all compaints against this person.
Is the FCC really ignoring complaints from the fire/police service about
wilful interference? It appears the FCC needs a plexiglass window for their
stomach if this is the way they are responding to the situation. Mayhaps they
have not had any input from the police or fire agencies and have amateur complaints
simply on <circular> file.
I cant believe a call to an FCC field office by a department official would not
yield some kind of assistance. In the Stockton, Ca area police responded to a person
who had found an HT for police or fire freqs and began causing trouble by calling
the local radio club for DF help.
You might try to stir up the local agencies about talking to the FCC in person
about this. It also pays to have a local club who has contacts with agencies, this helps to provide a 'public service' face for ham radio and maybe collect a few